Transactions / Reconciliation

Comprehensive reconciliation and reports for your transactions

Minimize complications with advance preparation. With our reconciliation feature, you can fully track transactions and tax returns. Always know all tax returns, expenses, and income series explanations.

Check your reconciliation history

Check, manage, and reconcile your transaction history with ease.

View reconciliation results quickly

Know the results of reconciliation or recapitulation quickly and easily. The reports available on the dashboard allow you to view transaction summaries and other information to make your analysis easier.

Manage transaction list automatically

See a list of transactions that match and do not match automatically. No more need to arrange it manually.

Download reconciliation results for your report

Download the reconciliation results or recapitulation you have worked on in excel format with an easy-to-read data display.

Reconciliation features

Check reconciliation history
View reconciliation results quickly
Manage transaction list automatically
Download reconciliation for reports

Frequently asked question

What kinds of documents are included in reconciliation?

The documents that can be reconciled together within our platform include commercial invoices, tax invoice (PPN), payment receipts, credit notes, e-Bupot, PPh Final. Each of these documents will have a status (e.g. Approved) and can conveniently be associated with each other.

Can I manually change how documents are reconciled together?

Yes, there is a functionality to relink documents as needed, ensuring that you can also tag and reconcile documents as needed.

Is it possible to reconcile documents from my customers and suppliers?

The documents generated by your customers and suppliers such as payment receipts, e-BuPot and other tax receipts can be reconciled and associated together in the transaction list.

How will the reconciliation feature help my business?

With OnlinePajak, you can immediately start reconciling and updating your documents as you issue and receive them. No more waiting till the end of the month or year to do it.

Ready to get started?

Discover how OnlinePajak can transform your business operations.