Payments / PPh 23

Pay PPh 23 Online

Pay your PPh 23 withholding tax online and generate ID Billing code instantly in an integrated platform. Tax filing and payment made easy with simple clicks from your phone or computer.

About PPh 23
  • PPh 23: withholding tax in Indonesia, which is a tax levied on certain types of income, such as interest, rent, and other passive income
  • Filing and payment: monthly, due by the 10th day of the month
Legal Basis of PPh 23

Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2008 about Perubahan Keempat atas UU No. 7 tenang Pajak Penghasilan dan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2021 about Harmonisasi Peraturan Pajak (UU HPP).

Pay PPh 23 and enjoy the benefits
  • Payment made easy from your phone
  • Various methods of payment by Visa Credit Card or Bank VA Transfer
  • Secure Payment and Official license by DJP

Pay Now with Visa Credit Card

Enjoy various card benefits from Visa credit card at OnlinePajak

  • Simplify business process
  • Extend cashflow up to 55 days
  • Optimize business cashflow

Payment Steps

Pay taxes and other state revenues in the following ways:

Create a Billing ID

Create a Billing ID for the payment you want to make, or enter your Billing ID to process your payment.


Make Payment

Click ‘Pay’ and select an available payment method. You can pay using a Visa credit/debit card or using a virtual account method.


Download Proof of State Revenue (BPN)

Download your BPN after successful payment. You can also make and manage other payments more easily on OnlinePajak.

Pay taxes and other state revenues

Want to make another payment? See a list of payment types available here.

Pay your taxes with one click

Enjoy seamless tax payments for easier tax compliance.